Finger Fit offers repair services that are done in house by a skilled jeweler. Please contact us for pricing and service information.

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Repairing Components

The Male Hinges:

  1. Determine whether the hinge can be filled or if it needs a full replacement of the male tabs. See below for full replacement of the male tabs.

  2. Use a reamer or ball bur to careful round the space to be filled. Use caution to not make the hole larger.

  3. Find the size of wire that perfectly fills the hole and solder in place careful to not heat the original install location.

  4. File the tabs flat.

  5. Place the lower 1/2 of the finger fit shank onto the male hinges and align.

  6. With a #72 drill bit or size 06 round bur drill a hole using as a guide the holes on the female ends. Replace the rivets (see above).

Full Replacement of the Male Hinges:

  1. Remove the worn portion of the male tab.

  2. Solder matching stock to ends.

  3. File to match old hinges.

  4. Place the lower 1/2 of the finger fit shank onto the male hinges and align.

  5. With a #72 drill bit or size 06 round bur drill a hole using as a guide the holes on the female ends. Replace the rivets (see above).

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