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Replacing Parts

Replacing the Cover Catch:

  1. Remove the rivet of the old cover catch (see Rivets).

  2. Attach a new cover catch using 22g round wire and rivet (see Replacing Rivets).

  3. Close ring and then the cover catch. Ensure that the cover catch is closed completely. If not file to fit.

  4. Use caution during this step. It is better to create a light dimple and go back and “re-tap” it than to create too big of a dimple and not be able to open the ring. Using a center punch type tool (not pin point sharp) create a dimple on the cover catch just behind the wire. Mimic the location of the dimple on the other side using the punch tool.

  5. Open and close the cover catch ensuring that it is functioning properly.

 Replacing the 1/4 Solid:

  1. Remove the rivet attaching the cover catch (see above) and then remove the rivet attaching the 1/4 solid. Save the cover catch if it is in good condition.

  2. Inspect the male hinge checking to see that it is in good condition and not in need of repair.

  3. Take the new guide wire and observe both ends; one end should have a “paddle” with a smooth top and a bottom with a slight bur on the end, the other end should be straight. On the straight end there is a line 2-3mm from the end. This line indicates how far the guide wire needs to be inserted into the 1/4 solid piece.

  4. Grasp the guide wire with needle nose pliers and turn the guide wire so that the bur on the paddle end is facing down.

  5. Insert the straight end into the pre-drilled hole in the 1/4 solid. Be sure to insert deep enough that the indicator line is not visible.

  6. Put the new 1/4 solid on the ring by inserting the guide wire into the 1/4 tube.

  7. Check that the ring closes properly and the guide wire is not too long. If there is a gap between the 1/4 solid pieces make sure that the guide wire is inserted far enough.

  8. Use 22 gauge wire that matches ring and insert into the rivet hole.

  9. Trim the wire to 3.5mm in length.

  10. Use a #11 beading tool and create the rivet ensuring it is even on both sides.

  11. Attach the cover catch and repeat steps 8-10.

  12. Attach a new cover catch using 22g round wire and rivet (see above replacing rivets).

  13. Close ring and then the cover catch. Ensure that the cover catch is closed completely. If not file to fit.

  14. Use caution during this step. It is better to create a light dimple and go back and “re-tap” it than to create too big of a dimple and not be able to open the ring. Using a center punch type tool (not pin point sharp) create a dimple on the cover catch just behind the wire. Mimic the location of the dimple on the other side using the punch tool.

  15. Open and close the cover catch ensuring that it is functioning properly. If you do not hear a click when closing dimple the cover catch again in the same spot.

Replacing the 1/4 Tube:

  1. Remove the rivet attaching the old 1/4 solid.

  2. Inspect the male hinge checking to see that it is in good condition and not in need of repair.

  3. Insert the guide wire in the 1/4 tube and slide the tube piece into place aligning the rivet holes.

  4. Insert 22g round wire that matches the ring and follow instructions for creating the rivet (see Rivets).

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